Yay! I feel like a normal person again. Trust me, I am still tired, but normal tired, not sick tired. Chester and I are chilling alone today while Matt is at school and we are doing great. With him in the sling, my two hands are free and he loves just being with me, doing whatever it is I am doing and/or sleeping :)
We had a big day out to the co-op yesterday and then to our neighbor Vicky and Kenny's for a second thanksgiving dinner. Chester was dressed in a gorgeous sweater that my Aunt Sue knit him! Above are some cutely pictures of our sleepy baby to satisfy our family and friends.
I keep wanting to call folks to say hi, but my days escape me as hours of staring and nursing my baby boy pass. I feel like I want to call everyone I know, especially all the mothers that I have known or worked with, to just share my love for this world and for all the women that give birth and mother their children. It is an incredible thing beyond words. Motherhood has already made me really appreciate things in a different way. It feels like my love for Chester has opened me up to loving everything and everyone more deeply. Looking out the window of my bedroom, just seeing the hills in the distance, I feel so much love for nature, for mother earth and the beauty and intensity that is life. Music touches me in new ways. I look at grown men and think about how they are the son of a mother.
Well, off to go nap with my sleeping guy.
He is getting so big! I can't wait to cuddle him in person!!!!!
we love and miss you guys!
It has been 3 weeks since I saw our awesome boy in person. The pictures reflect how he has grown soooo much!!! It is amazing how his features have changed in this short time. I miss him tremendously and I very much look forward to holding him again this upcoming weekend.
Gina, Chester Thomas is a very lucky child to have you as his mother. You have done an amazing job and your unmoveable commitment to giving Chester all that you can is obvious. You are truly an amazing mother and strong woman. Just like your mother.
Love you all,
Dad & Grandad
hey,nice sweater. as i type, elena is competing with me for the keyboard,so excuse the lack of capitalization from the English teacher (bet you could guess, Olivia just grabbed her off my lap!)
I look forward to reading your updates and comments, especially from your dad ... so sweet.
It's so amazing with how you are experiencing the after birth. I'm glad that you get some time to share your feelings and experiences with us. Chester is changing everyday it seems and he looks more and more like you.
Glad you are feeling better.
Love you.
Aw, Gina, those pictures are making me teary-eyed. Oh, how I love newborns! And love the way you're appreciating him and yourself, and the world right now...
So there really isn't anything cuter in the world than that picture of Chester in the hooded sweater!! Well, maybe the picture of him sleeping in his dad's arms...we'll call it a close second! :)
I miss you, G!
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