What a great weekend we had with Noni and Grandpa Tom. They are so incredibly smitten with the little guy and I am smitten with having two extra pairs of hands around to help. Chester falls asleep almost instantly when my mom holds him and my house hasn't looked cleaner in ages. Gotta love grandparents. So, as promised, new pics with Noni Leslie and Grandpa Tom are here.
Uncle Chris Canney came to visit this weekend too. He brought an amazing gift that him and Uncle Isaac made for baby Chester. It's a beautiful "crib." I put crib in quotes because it's not the traditional kind most people think of when you say crib. It's low to the ground and on a rocker. It's absolutely beautiful and we will post some pics as soon as we get them (they are on my parent's camera). I finally feel good about putting Chester down for short periods of time because it's so beautiful and made with such love. Otherwise, I can't bear to put him down:) Thanks Canneys. We love you!
This week is Matt's last week of school before finals week and it's hectic and stressful for him. But we keep the end in sight and remind ourselves that soon it will be the holiday break. I am looking forward to having him in the house full time and having some grown-up company. I love my little man, but the two of us can get a little strung out when we are alone so much. Good to switch it up a bit!
On another note, I got the ergo carrier (Thanks to my Noni Jen for a wonderful Xmas present). I am wearing Chester in it today and it's super comfortable. I also have a ring sling- good for quick ease, but bad for the posture- and a Maya wrap- awesome and comfortable, but takes forever to wrap and get set up. The ergo is a good combo of the two- easy and comfortable. Highly recommended for any baby carriers.
I don't think smitten is a strong enough word for how we feel about our incredible grandson, Chester. How about MADLY in love and totaly enamored!Actually I don't think there are enough words to decribe how much we love that boy. We'll just have to spend a lifetime showing and spoiling him! We also love doing whatever we can to support Matt and Gina to show how much we love them and how proud we are of them... except Gina didn't mention that I shrunk one of Matt's favorite new shirts she just gave him for his birthday. Sorry about that Matt. I owe you.
I melt eveytime Chester falls asleep in my arms. As I mentioned in the last comment, my arms feel empty without him. Can't wait until we see you all again.
Chester Thomas is missed and loved every day and every hour...all 3600 second of every hour. Yes, that's how long an hour without chester is. The days well, that's 86,400 seconds and you think that's tough, I gotta go 604,800 seconds in a week without seeing our boy. I miss being with him every second of every hour....It is not accurate to say he will always be on my mind. Rather...., he will always be in my thoughts and in my heart, Always.
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