Ok, so I swear that Chester gave me a real smile yesterday. I was holding him on my lap and nothing else was going on. He was staring at me as I made little faces at him and talked to him about how great he is and then, BAM- the smile.
I have seen him smile before in reaction to gas or a dream or something. But, this one was different. It looked different and it seemed to be in response to nothing other than my stimulation. After seeing it, I decided to dedicate my life to making him smile, that's how great it was.
Matt's almost done for the semester. One more project and two finals to go. Plus, Liz gets here on Tuesday night. This is going to be a really, really good week :)
Ok, and, as promised, a pic of the cradle Isaac and Chris made for Chester. Forgive the not-so-great pic, but it's the only one I have on my computer right now. k, that's all.
that's amazing! seeing your baby smile is quite possibly the best thing in the world. it's so great when they become interactive and start reflecting your love back at you :)
I can't wait to try and get him to smile too. What a wondeful feeling when your son smiles at you simply to let you know how happy he is. Who needs Christmas gifts when you have Chester's smile?
Tell Chester that Noni loves him,
Gina & Matt,
A more beautiful baby I have never seen! All your parents can talk about is the latest love of their lives & I can see why. I already love him, too! I am looking forward to meeting him next week. oxox Auntie Fran
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