Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's been awhile...

Sorry we have been lazy on the posts...

Well, lazy isn't exactly the word. Since being back up in Maine, Matt has started school again and we are back to the ol' Monroe routine. He has 4 classes instead of 5 this semester AND Friday's off, which is awesome. So far, so good on that end of things.

Monroe is treating me well, too. I have really come to appreciate our slow, domestic, cozy life up here. I have made some good friends up here that I have gotten to see since being back. I have a weekly Thursday arrangement with the 2 other moms nearby- Lucretia and Ning. It's really great to have moms and babies around to befriend and be with. The company is wonderful.

Other than that, we have been (of course) playing with our beloved and growing son. He's almost 3 months old already (12 weeks this Thursday)! I can't believe it!!! He is totally going through a growth spurt. He's eating very often and getting some good sleep in. He likes to play a lot more now and is becoming ever more social each day. It's so fun to see.

We are keeping warm by our fire. It's been -20 up here recently, and we are supposed to get another foot of snow today! That brings the snow total up to mid-thigh, probably. I actually love the Maine winter so far. It's cold and snowy, but it's just as beautiful. Plus, I don't get out much anyway, so who cares!

Matt, Chester and I managed to go out snowshoeing in our back yard last weekend, too. We have a bunch of snow mobile trails running through our back acreage. It's incredible out there. Lots of animal tracks too. We have TONS of wild turkeys back there. Matt counted 20 just the other day all poking around right outside our house and by the pond. Pretty funny.

I have had several requests for new pics. Well, they are coming, I promise. I just have to get the photos into my computer...Easier said then done :) It's just never quite the top priority these days!

Well, lots of love to you family and friends. Back to my sleeping baby and some ALACE work...

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