Today is Chester's 5 month old birthday. I can't believe 5 months have passed since he's been born. And each day I love him more and more.
I can only imagine how much I will love him when he is 5 years old, or 15, or...
The spring is bringing good things our way! I am excited to announce that our good friends in JP, Isaac and Cathy had their baby yesterday at 12:50 AM!!! It's a little boy- Adam Bruce Canney. He is beautiful and seeing his picture brought tears to my eyes. A new friend for Chester and more love in the world!!! Congratulations Canneys!!!
Liz is up here now farming with Rolling Acres Farm, owned by our friends Josh and Ning. Ning is one of the moms that I hang out with regularly. They have two kids- Nate who is 4 and Awn In who is just over 1. It is a blessing to have Liz just a few miles away. She is a sister and best friend and her presence is breathing new life into me.
We are going out more and seeing all the people who are coming out now that winter is gone. We went to a drum circle at the town hall on Sat night. Chester fell asleep as the loud drums beat away. And we made some new connections there also. I met a woman who has 9 kids and is a reiki master. She said she would gladly teach me reiki sometime and I am psyched about that.
Matt and I are talking with our landlord Noah about staying here next year, too. I think it's going to work out great. While Matt and I had been talking about moving to Belfast, I think this will work out better for us all. No moving, cheaper rent, and we can dive deeper into the community. Plus, it's still a quicker drive to Bangor for Matt. And, now that we have survived our first winter here, we can prepare better for it this time around :)
Matt's been spending time outside in the garden working on clearing out the debris of the winter. It's looking great and it is really inspiring to me. We are motivated to garden together as much as we can this spring and summer. I am guessing Chester will like to play in the garden also!
So, here are some pics of what our house is looking like in Monroe. Notice the little buds peaking out of the ground and the swollen, rushing stream. Everything is so fertile here!
So, Chester's first five months have come and gone and there is so much to look forward to in the next five months and beyond!!!
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